Injuries don’t happen in a vacuum.
Workplace incidents happen as a result of three risk indicators: physical, cognitive and organizational. Thus, it is only by addressing these three factors that a safety initiative can be effective.
The ability to identify and address these factors is what separates Briotix prevention specialists from other risk management professionals.
“They have training on how to build prevention programs that address the physical, cognitive and organizational drivers of disengaged and at-risk employees,” says Bob Patterson, Executive VP and Co-Founder of Briotix. “The difference with our professionals is the ability to execute strategy on all three of these dimensions.”
The organizational leg of this triad is monumentally important because initiating and implementing a successful safety program requires extensive organizational involvement. In order for employees to improve risky behaviors and buy into safety initiatives at work, they have to feel invested in their company. This is the organizational driver for an at-risk employee.
“For optimal performance, we must operate in an environment in which we are valued and supported,” says Julie Landis, Vice President of Business Development at Briotix. “Employees must feel connected to their organization and invested in the work that they do.”
Like a camera mounted on a tripod, safety initiatives won’t stand strong without the full engagement of each leg in this triad of indicators. Even when the physical risk has been appropriately identified, a solution has been provided by a professional, and the employee is fully engaged in making a change for increased health and safety (signifying that cognitive risks have been addressed), it can be extremely difficult to affect real change without the third addition of organizational involvement.

“If there is a lack of organizational buy-in, a provider may recommend a course of action and the employee may be motivated for change, but the change is not supported either philosophically and/or monetarily by the organization,” says Landis. “We see this when organizations are stuck in a reactive mode of only responding to red-flag concerns. We hope to move organizations towards a preventative way of thinking.”
Briotix prevention specialists are trained to recognize organizational engagement—or lack thereof—as a contributing factor to workplace risk.
“Briotix professionals recognize that, within an organization, they will interact with and be accountable to various stakeholders,” says Landis. “They get to know these groups intimately, understanding that they might often have differing objectives and measures of success. We match our providers based in part on their individual fit with a client’s organizational values, mission, and vision, as well as their general, day-to-day methods of operation.”
By placing well-suited providers into organizations where they can be responsive and understand the work climate, Briotix ensures that all three of the primary drivers of risk are addressed.
“The complete package is difficult to find in the marketplace, but Briotix has systematized their training and onboarding to optimize performance across all three of these dimensions,” says Patterson.
When organizational, cognitive, and physical risk indicators are given the appropriate attention, the result is a robust, highly productive safety program that reduces workplace risk, increases productivity, and ultimately saves money for the organization.
Are you looking to improve safety in your workplace? Contact us today to discuss your needs.