California’s Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board has proposed new legislation that may soon require hotels and motels to implement a Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Program (MIPP) for their housekeeping staff and management. If passed, the new regulation will require companies to specifically identify hazards and injuries associated with musculoskeletal disorders for housekeeping staff, evaluate their worksite for these musculoskeletal hazards, and provide specific training for both staff and management.
While the legislation has yet to be signed, the new regulation could be enacted as soon as April 1, 2018 with companies given just three months to perform the initial musculoskeletal worksite evaluatation. Given the timeline, it’s important that companies begin planning now.
So what does a company need to know about the regulation? Below are three key elements of the legislation.
- Your Plan Must be Written Specifically for the Housekeeping Department
Under the new OSHS Regulation, companies in the hospitality industry are required to have a detailed, written injury prevention plan directly addressing housekeeping musculoskeletal injuries. A company’s practice can no longer be one-size fits all when it comes to writing their MIPP.
- Clear Training Elements Must be Included
In the new California Standard, specific training elements are now identified. While training was previously required, the State did not provide a clear directive for that training. Additionally, the new standard outlines training frequency and requires all employees be given a chance to practice the lessons learned in the trainings.
- Language Clarification Includes Slips, Trips, and Falls
The Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Standard provides not only clarification on what must be included in staff trainings but also provides specific language on what constitutes a musculoskeletal injury. In addition to the common injuries seen with pushing, pulling, and prolonged positions, the new regulation includes injuries caused by slips, trips and falls. This is an important clarification as companies think through and implement their action plans.

Let Briotix Help You With Your Action Plan
With just a few months until the anticipated adoption of this new regulation, managers have little time to create and implement an action plan.To assist businesses in complying with the new standard, Briotix has created a free, comprehensive checklist for company leadership.

Additionally, our experts have created a tailored housekeeping musculoskeletal worksite evaluation and hazard identification process. We offer customers comprehensive training for both housekeeping staff and management.
To learn more about how Briotix can help you comply with the new California standard, contact us today. Give us a call at 844-274-6849 ext. 112 or complete the online form and we will contact you.