In 2021 and 2022, 3.3 million DART cases were reported in the workplace. Management and office related positions experienced over 270,000 alone. Factoring in the service industry increases that number by 700,000. With cases increasing since the sharp drop-off in 2020, understanding the value of tools that can help reduce musculoskeletal disorders in the work environment is essential. Get those adjustable desks to a standing position because you won’t want to be seated reading these tips!
Examples of Ergonomic Tools in the Workplace
Let’s take a walk through an office that isn’t using ergonomics in the workplace today. Reports have been coming in that employees require more frequent breaks due to chronic discomfort. An ergonomic expert arrives and notes down several areas of concern when observing.
- Employee does not have desk equipment adjust properly to neutral position.
- Employee is sitting at desk for long periods of time without standing or incorporating movement.
- The employee work area is not well-lit.
- Employee suffers discomfort in the low back from consistent leaning and strains.
- Further discomfort develops in the wrists due to repetitious movement without a countering stretch break
- Employee experiences eye strain due to dim areas.
These are just some of the common observations you may see in a space that is not taking ergonomics into account. All of the situations above have impacts on productivity and employee health which can then lead to increased costs. Discomforts can become injuries or permanent conditions that require additional accommodations or generate workers’ compensation claims. Increased healthcare costs, more employee turnover, reduced productivity, and worse employee health.

But what about a work environment implementing good ergonomic tools? Those frequent breaks become manageable, even planned, allowing for more efficient daily planning and task completion. Discomfort is reduced, increasing employee mood and productivity by association. And those happy employees are dedicated to the workplace that treats them well.
Understanding the everyday uses of ergonomic tools in the workplace, like comprehensive assessments, screenings, and trainings, alongside physical tools like ergonomic chairs, keyboards, and mouses, can lead to marked improvements in employee health and well-being.
Office environments have evolved beyond traditional cubicles into dynamic spaces. The significance of ergonomics cannot be overstated. As we spend a substantial portion of our day at workstations, ensuring that these spaces promote comfort, productivity, and overall well-being is paramount.
What Are The Ergonomic Tools You Need?
From footrests to height-adjustable office chairs, there are a myriad of solutions for office discomforts. But the first solution that every office can, and should, take is an ergonomic assessment.
Ergonomic principles can assist when designing workspaces and tools to fit the capabilities and limitations of the human body. Optimizing efficiency and reducing discomfort or injury by emphasizing proper posture, movement, and equipment design is a major priority. In today's fast-paced work culture, where sedentary behaviors are prevalent, integrating ergonomic principles into the office setup is vital for promoting employee health and performance.
Ergonomic Assessments - Identify problem areas and provide recommendations to reduce risk
Ergonomic Reviews - Gather employee issues and implement solutions
Training - Instruct employees on how to avoid discomforts with proper form and techniques
Ergonomic Software - Solutions designed to ease the burden on employees and guide well-being
Equipment Solutions - Implement equipment-based solutions for hard-to-solve problems
How Ergonomic Assessments Help:
While lumbar support cushions can be a helpful tool for most, knowing where risks and problem areas are in the workplace is a much more essential component of a well-run office.
Ergonomic assessments are instrumental in identifying potential risks and eventually optimizing workstations to suit individual needs. Conducted by trained professionals, these assessments clarify and pinpoint risks in a workspace and within required job tasks which could introduce risk. Good ergonomic practices reduce risk and by pinpointing ergonomic deficiencies, organizations can implement targeted interventions to mitigate hazards and enhance employee well-being.
Ergonomic assessments are not limited to just office spaces. An assessment can transform your home office into a safer work-from-home space.
Training and You:
Once an ergonomic assessment has been completed the next tool in your ergonomic belt is professional training. Experts can transform your ergonomic plans into practice.
Work-related posture and movement should be approached differently than those same pieces outside the workplace, but many teachings can translate across both spaces. In the workplace, it can be easy to fall into long periods of staring at a laptop screen without much rest. Good training can address this issue and many more. An ergonomic expert guides employees through the purpose, and execution, of ergonomic recommendations, answering questions and addressing concerns along the way.
Looking for more information on how movement can help the workplace? Check out this blog from Briotix Health with resources to kick-start movement in your workplace.
How Ergonomic Reviews Help:

Regular ergonomic reviews serve as proactive measures to prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and alleviate existing discomfort. They empower employees to address ergonomic concerns promptly, fostering a culture of health and safety within the workplace.
Trained professionals evaluate ergonomic workstations, measuring the effects of current ergonomic solutions. Making sure laptop stands are at eye level may seem like a minor improvement but can be part of a compounding effect that makes large impacts on your employees.
How Ergonomic Software Solutions Make Your Job Easier:
Ergonomic software solutions play a pivotal role in enhancing workplace ergonomics and employee well-being. With employees in the office surrounded by computer workstations, the decision to adopt software that aligns with your goals can seem like a no-brainer.
Interactive training modules and virtual workstation evaluations can be handled easily with the right software, and these software tools offer a diverse range of functionalities aimed at promoting proper ergonomics practices. Discomfort tracking can identify risks that management might have missed or are more subtle and can’t be caught in a single walkthrough.
Ergonomic software empowers employees to assess their ergonomics independently, identify potential risks, and access personalized recommendations for ergonomic improvement. Moreover, organizations can leverage analytics provided by these platforms to track ergonomic trends, measure intervention effectiveness, and foster continuous improvement in ergonomic practices.
And while we are on software, invest in proper cable management for your IT professionals! Navigating hundreds of messy cables has the potential for an ergonomic nightmare of strains and discomfort!
Learn more about Ergonomic Software solutions with the Briotix Health Blog on the topic.
Finding the Right Equipment Solutions:
So, you have completed your ergonomic assessment and know where risk is in your workplace. Trainings have prepared employees on how to safely set-up their workspace and reduce discomforts. Proactive self-assessments are eliminating pain points before they become problems. And your ergonomic software is up and running. What else is there?
Now it’s time for the function and form of ergonomics you constantly hear about in ads and seminars. The fancy ergonomic chairs, sit-stand desks, laptop risers, and more! But there doesn’t need to be any trepidation around these tools. These pieces can serve as complements to your ergonomic plan but are never necessary with the right training and programs. They work together to improve function and promote ergonomic principles with those steps you have already taken.
Implementing wrist rests, spacing computer monitors properly to avoid eye strain, getting ergonomic chairs with backrests, and understanding the use of desk accessories can actively improve the workday.
Standing desks provide users with the flexibility to alternate between sitting and standing positions throughout the workday, thereby reducing sedentary behavior and alleviating strain on the lower back and neck. Ergonomic chairs, characterized by adjustable lumbar support, seat height, and armrests, promote proper posture and spinal alignment, mitigating the risk of back pain and discomfort.
Equipment solutions are not complete solutions. They must work within your ergonomic principles and practices to have the right effect. Understanding the needs of your company and workplace by implementing the previous tools leads to cost savings on equipment and increased effectiveness.
Combatting Discomfort: A Priority in Ergonomics
Back pain ranks among the most prevalent health complaints in the workplace, with more than 1 in 4 employees reporting it is a problem for them. And carpal tunnel, which can easily develop in the day-to-day activities of the office, can cost over $35,000 to treat. Contributing to absenteeism, reduced productivity, and diminished quality of life for employees, eliminating discomfort in the workplace is essential.
Ergonomic interventions, ranging from workstation adjustments to employee education initiatives, play a pivotal role in mitigating discomfort and promoting employee well-being. With the right tools and knowledge, you can make your workplace happier and healthier, while maintaining, or even improving productivity. Get started with a free resource bundle from Briotix Health below.
In conclusion, prioritizing ergonomic tools and assessments is indispensable for cultivating comfortable, productive, and safe office environments. By embracing ergonomic principles and investing in tailored interventions, organizations can enhance employee well-being, mitigate the risk of musculoskeletal disorders, and foster a culture of health and productivity in the workplace. As we navigate the complexities of modern workspaces, let’s always try to make the place we inhabit better for ourselves and the people around us.
If you want to begin your investment in a safer, more productive workplace, contact a Office Health & Ergonomics solutions advisor today.