Getting active with cardiovascular activities is a great way to not only maintain your physical health while much of the nation is sheltering-at-home but also reduce the stress you may be feeling from COVID-19.
When someone talks of cardiovascular exercise, you might think of long training sessions spent on a treadmill, a stationary bike or even an aerobics class with lots of spandex. But with gyms across the nation closed due to the Coronavirus outbreak, those options may not be available to most Americans. Luckily, we have an indoor workout solution that maximizes your effort with a short 12-15 minute workout.

Understanding Your Body to Maximize Your Workout
When we talk about cardiovascular fitness, we aren’t talking about those typical physical fitness methods. We are talking about maximizing the benefits of cardiovascular fitness with creative training based on how the body works, different system synergies, and how to effectively train within them. If that sounds complicated, don’t fret. We’ve done the research and here are the cliff notes you need to know about the body:
- Heart - pumps blood throughout the body
- Arteries - vascular highways to vital organs/tissue
- Veins - vascular freeways directing blood back to the heart
- Capillaries - vascular side streets directing blood to a focused area. (Ex. Muscles)
Knowing these important components of your cardiovascular system can help you understand how to target specific areas of the body to maximize exercise benefits to each. But identifying unique exercises directed at each component would be time-consuming and involve significant research.
An Indoor Workout to Get You Moving
Good news! We’ve done the leg work and created a “Game Changer” workout that is a new way of training your cardiovascular system. Our workout includes short bursts of intense exercise with minimal rest designed to get your blood pumping. Plus, as a bonus, all of these exercises can be completed right at home, inside or outside, so they are perfect for breaking a sweat and improving your cardiovascular health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Game Changer Workout:
For 12-15 minutes perform the following movements in a succession, with no break.
- Jumping Jacks - 20

- Push-Ups - 10
- Tuck Jumps - 15
- Walking Lunge - 20 steps
- Plank - 30 seconds hold
- Repeat until your designated time is up and record how many rounds you completed!
It may seem simple but that’s the point.
**USE AT OWN RISK: Please consult with your physician and evaluate your own physical condition to determine whether to perform, use or adapt any of the information or content above. Any exercise program may result in injury. By voluntarily undertaking any exercise displayed above, you assume the risk of any resulting injury.
Our Indoor Workout Challenge
Adding cardiovascular physical activity to your routine not only improves your heart health but also has significant implications for improving your mental health and reducing stress. As many of us continue to shelter-at-home and deal with the increased stress of COVID-19, Briotix Health is issuing an indoor workout challenge.
Between now and Mother’s Day, complete the Game Changer Workout three times per week and reap the benefits. Recruit a family member, friend, or even a coworker to complete the challenge with you via Zoom to maximize results. You can celebrate your successes and hold each other accountable!