Management at a Post Consumer Brand facility thought they were doing what needed to be done to prevent work-related injuries when they implemented a work screen process, but when a trend emerged showing employees getting injured shortly after being hired, they realized there may be something wrong with the process.
Research was done to properly identify what needed to change in the process, and it was discovered that not a single individual had failed the screening in more than 10 years. With this knowledge, management determined the screening was not robust enough and they needed a new solution.

Implementing A Robust Employment Screening Process
With the support of company management, a Briotix Health provider implemented a comprehensive BTE Employment Testing program to improve the work-screen process and ensure employees could perform the essential functions of the job to reduce the risk of getting injured. The program included Physical Demands Analysis, Post-Offer Employment Testing, and JOBABLE.
Identifying the Physical Requirements of Each Job
The PDA program was implemented to offer an objective measurement of job demands for each position. Briotix Health providers evaluated the physical, environmental, behavioral, and cognitive aspects of each job and delivered a formal analysis to describe the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics necessary for job performance. That information was then used in the hiring and return-to-work processes.
Screening Candidates to Prevent Injuries
BTE POET was implemented to determine if job candidates could physically handle the specific physical requirements of the job tasks they would be asked to complete. This helped POST avoid hiring candidates who may be more prone to injury since they could not meet the physical demands of the job.
Technology-Enabled Candidate Screening
Post implemented the JobAble software program to reduce the potential for injury and expedite their return-to-work process in their workers’ compensation cases. The interactive database allowed for streamlined communication between physicians, insurers, case management, and company human resource personnel and allowed for easy comparison of the workers’ abilities to job requirements.
Reducing Worker Injuries and Workers' Compensation Costs
After implementing the Briotix Health solution, workers’ compensation incidents were reduced eighty-one percent, dollars incurred dropped by ninety percent, and lost time and restricted days fell significantly for employees in the first three years of employment.