For a more comprehensive breakdown of the NIOSH Total Worker Health approach watch the original webinar.
Prioritizing employee well-being has become a cornerstone for sustainable success. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has introduced the Total Worker Health system, a comprehensive program aimed at understanding the intricacies of well-being and its impact on individuals. Launched in 2011, the Total Worker Health initiative goes beyond traditional safety programs by integrating Occupational Safety and Health with activities that holistically support worker health and well-being.
Defining Total Worker Health
Work-related risk factors can be correlated to direct impacts on an individual's well-being, but the reciprocal is equally true. Life activities, both at work and outside, contribute significantly to a person's mental and physical health.
To implement Total Worker Health successfully, organizations must understand and integrate the key concepts: protection from work-related safety and health hazards, promotion of injury and illness prevention, and efforts to advance worker well-being. People are a company's most valuable asset, and these protections need seamless integration into policies, programs, and practices.
Well-being transcends the traditional confines of physical health. It encompasses the mental, emotional, and social aspects of a worker's life. Positive perceptions and constructive conditions at work play a pivotal role in fostering overall well-being. Ergonomics, with its focus on creating a supportive physical environment, contributes significantly to these constructive conditions.

Business Benefits of Employee Well-being
Investing in employee well-being has tangible benefits for businesses. Data demonstrates that organizations prioritizing well-being experience higher employee retention rates and outperform financial indicators. Employees who perceive their organization as an active promoter of wellness tend to stay with the company, resulting in increased happiness, reduced stress, and higher job engagement.
Worker Well-being Questionnaire (WellBQ)
NIOSH has developed a comprehensive tool comprising 68 questions to assess worker well-being across various domains. These domains include work evaluation, physical environment, workplace policies, work-life balance, and the integration of work with life. The questionnaire serves as a dashboard view of overall well-being and targets interventions to improve worker well-being.
A robust ergonomics program enhances how employees evaluate their work, contributing to a positive work experience and overall well-being. Workplace policies and culture, connected to the physical environment, play a crucial role in worker well-being.
To successfully implement Total Worker Health and Ergonomics programs, organizations must demonstrate leadership, address work design, promote worker engagement, ensure confidentiality, and integrate relevant systems. The journey begins with securing the commitment of senior leaders, who play a pivotal role in communicating the initiative's principles and allocating resources.
Worker Well-being Questionnaire (WellBQ)
Implementation and Engagement
Management is instrumental in recognizing the competitive advantage of Total Worker Health and ergonomics. This involves reducing turnover rates, providing examples of senior leadership commitment, offering training for managers and supervisors, encouraging worker feedback, and collaboratively making changes to enhance overall well-being.
Work design becomes a focal point for eliminating or reducing safety and health hazards while promoting worker well-being. Ergonomics, aligned with a preventative approach, emphasizes the elimination or control of hazards, contributing significantly to improving safety and well-being. The hierarchy of controls, adapted by the Total Worker Health initiative, includes well-being as a core element.
Promoting Worker Engagement
Total Worker Health encourages personal change, and ergonomics plays a vital role in this aspect. Redesigning work areas, identifying and quantifying risks, and creating improvement plans are essential components. Simultaneously, educating individuals about ergonomic risks and facilitating personal change contribute to a comprehensive understanding and implementation of ergonomics.
Worker engagement is paramount for the success of any initiative. Encouraging workers and supervisors to actively participate in identifying safety and health issues, testing solutions, and providing feedback ensures the effectiveness of changes. Understanding the reasons behind changes is crucial for garnering support and participation among employees.
Integrating relevant systems involves understanding existing programs related to safety, health, and well-being and finding ways to seamlessly integrate them with the Total Worker Health program. Cross-team communication is vital for the effective implementation of these integrated programs.
Ensuring Confidentiality
Respecting and ensuring confidentiality is imperative, aligning with local, state, and national laws regarding personal identifiable information and health data. De-identifying participant data prevents disincentives for improving health and fosters a culture of trust.
A Comprehensive Approach to Well-being
The integration of ergonomics into the Total Worker Health system represents a holistic and comprehensive approach to fostering workplace well-being. By considering both work-related and non-work-related factors, organizations can create a workplace that promotes overall well-being, reduces risks, and ensures the success of both employees and employers. The journey involves a commitment to leadership, recognition of competitive advantages, addressing work design, promoting engagement, ensuring confidentiality, and integrating relevant systems. Ergonomics emerges as a key player in this symphony of well-being, contributing to a positive and productive work environment for employees.
For more information on the NIOSH TWH program, visit their website:
If you are interested in learning more about how ergonomics can improve your workplace, contact the experts at Briotix Health below.