We presented at the IBI Forum, introducing on-site return to work resources to supplement employer return to work programs. An initial pilot program has seen significant reduction in disability durations, containing costs and optimizing employees' engagement.
Disability Management Services - What Are the Goals?
Early Stage Success:
Our pilot program showed early stage success.
Prevention Stay At Work Services:
Pilot Program Results - Year One:
Placing an On-Site Consultant Is:
An investment that reduces lost workdays and improves employee engagement.
A productivity multiplier for employers that takes the burden off the HR department.
A visible and consistent message to employees that their employer will support them as they manage and recover from a disability.
A proactive approach that will identify employees at risk.
A trusted source of information that will engage with employees to understand their needs limitations, and capability.
Question: How do you manage RTW planning, job assessments, ERGO evaluations, workplace accommodations-including implementation and ongoing management?
Contact us to discuss the challenges in your organization.