The October edition of Risk & Insurance Magazine included an article highlighting the term “industrial athlete” and how the concept of industrial sports medicine is being used to keep workers safe.

The article outlined the definition of industrial athletics as being a wide range of services that includes training employees to avoid injuries, hiring candidates who are physically able to do a particular job, and improving the design of tasks that employees can perform safely.
In the article, Bob Patterson, Executive Vice President for Briotix Health, discussed the results experienced by employers who implement physical conditioning programs for their industrial workers.
He cited a regional hospitality company that saw a 50% reduction in group health musculoskeletal (MSD) costs from implementing and sustaining an industrial sports medicine program as evidence that the programs work. He also shared results from a Briotix Health heavy manufacturing client that experienced a 100% reduction in MSDs in year one and achieved a more than $524,000 cost avoidance in worker compensation.
Read the full article on the Risk & Insurance website.