Briotix Health News

Building the Modern Workforce: Ergonomic Programs and You

Written by Matthew P Fisenne | May 9, 2024 7:42:19 PM

Ensuring employee comfort, safety, and productivity continues to be a pattern for long term success in modern business. Among the various strategies employed to achieve these goals, ergonomics programs stand out as a cornerstone for promoting well-being and efficiency in the workplace. In this article, we delve into the essence of ergonomic programming, focusing on their significance in both office and industrial settings.

What is an Ergonomics Program?

An ergonomics program is implemented by organizations to enhance the interaction between employees and their work environments. Rooted in the science of ergonomics, these programs aim to understand tasks, workspaces, tools, and equipment, ensuring employees minimize physical strain, reduce the risk of injuries, and enhance overall performance.

Ergonomics is part of a system of wellness that can be implemented in workplaces to improve employee health and wellness both inside and outside of the workplace. Ergonomic assessments identify potential discomforts or difficulties that an employee could encounter in their daily work and aim to eliminate them. Ergonomics is not just awkward postures while in a desk chair and can be applied widely across industries.

Office Ergonomics: Promoting Healthy Work Practices

Prioritizing employee well-being through ergonomic practices is essential in the office space where potential dangers can seem much more benign than an industrial warehouse. Rather than solely relying on adjustable desk or computer workstations and specialized equipment, fostering ergonomic practices in everyday office activities can significantly contribute to reducing discomfort and preventing injuries. Here are some key aspects of promoting ergonomic practices in the office setting:

  1. Posture Awareness: Encouraging employees to maintain good posture while sitting or standing by providing educational resources and periodic reminders. Emphasizing the importance of aligning the spine, keeping feet flat on the floor, and positioning the computer monitor at eye level can help mitigate strain on the neck and back.
  2. Regular Movement Breaks: Encouraging employees to take short breaks to stretch, walk, or perform simple exercises throughout the day. Incorporating movement into the work routine can alleviate muscle stiffness, improve circulation, and reduce the risk of developing musculoskeletal issues associated with prolonged sitting.
    Check out our guide on 5-Minute Microbreaks!
  3. Eye Strain Prevention: Advising employees on techniques to reduce eye strain caused by prolonged screen time, such as following the 20-20-20 rule (taking a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away every 20 minutes) and adjusting monitor brightness and contrast settings to minimize glare.
  4. Workspace Organization: Promoting a clutter-free and well-organized workspace to minimize reaching and unnecessary movements. Encouraging employees to arrange frequently used items within arm's reach and to maintain a clean and tidy desk surface can enhance efficiency and reduce work-related musculoskeletal disorders.
  5. Proper Use of Ergonomic Accessories: Educating employees on the correct use of ergonomic accessories, such as ergonomic chairs, keyboards, and mice, to maximize their effectiveness. Providing guidance on adjusting chair height, keyboard tilt, and mouse placement can help employees customize their workstations to suit their individual needs and preferences.
  6. Mindful Task Execution: Encouraging mindfulness during task execution to prevent repetitive strain injuries and overexertion. Encouraging employees to vary tasks, take micro-breaks between repetitive activities, and alternate between sitting and standing can help distribute physical workload and reduce the risk of strain on specific muscle groups.

By identifying these practices with an ergonomic evaluation and promoting promoting them in the office setting, organizations can empower employees to take proactive measures to safeguard their health and well-being while enhancing productivity and morale. While ergonomic workstations and equipment undoubtedly play a role in supporting comfort and efficiency, cultivating a culture of ergonomic awareness and mindfulness in everyday office activities is equally crucial for maintaining a healthy and sustainable work environment.

 You can learn more about strategies for ergonomic success in your workplace with this free resource from Briotix Health.

Industrial Ergonomics: Empowering Workers Through Training and Prevention

In industrial environments, which are often characterized by manual labor and heavy machinery, prioritizing ergonomic training and preventive measures is paramount to safeguarding the health and safety of workers. While equipment and workstation design certainly play a role, the emphasis on proactive strategies and early discomfort management can significantly mitigate the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and other work-related injuries.

Employee involvement in your proposed systems is essential to success. Creating clear objectives when implementing a program can enhance employee engagement and lead to even more beneficial programs. Here's how organizations can prioritize training and preventative solutions in industrial ergonomics:

  1. Comprehensive Training Programs: Implementing comprehensive ergonomic training programs to educate workers about proper lifting techniques, body mechanics, and early signs of discomfort is essential to success. Providing workers with the knowledge and skills to recognize ergonomic risk factors and implement preventive measures empowers them to take proactive steps to protect their well-being.
  2. Job Coaching: Tailoring ergonomic training to address the specific tasks and challenges encountered in different job roles within the industrial setting has a major impact on employee engagement. By focusing on task-specific ergonomics, organizations can equip workers with practical strategies for reducing repetitive motion injuries and minimizing injury risk during their day-to-day activities.
  3. Mechanical Aids and Tools Training: Offering training on the correct use of mechanical aids and ergonomic tools designed to reduce the physical burden on workers during lifting, handling, and repetitive tasks can be another solution. Though these aids should never replace good body mechanics and ergonomics, ensuring that workers are proficient in operating equipment maximizes their effectiveness in minimizing ergonomic risk factors.
  4. Early Discomfort Management: Encourage workers to promptly report any discomfort or early signs of musculoskeletal strain to their supervisors or designated health and safety personnel. Early discomfort management, such as stretching exercises, rest breaks, and ergonomic adjustments, can prevent minor discomfort from escalating into more serious injuries.
  5. Continuous Improvement Initiatives: Establishing a culture celebrating occupational health and employee health should be a priority for every company. Encouraging workers to provide feedback on ergonomic issues they encounter and soliciting suggestions for ergonomic improvements fosters a culture of continuous improvement and ensures that ergonomic solutions remain effective and relevant over time.

By prioritizing training and preventative solutions in industrial ergonomics, organizations can empower workers to proactively manage ergonomic risk factors and protect their health and well-being. Early intervention and discomfort management not only prevent injuries but also contribute to increased productivity, morale, and job satisfaction among workers. By investing in ergonomic training and preventive measures, organizations demonstrate their commitment to creating safe, healthy, and sustainable work environments for their workforce.

A self-assessment can be a powerful first-step for employees and employers when considering adopting a comprehensive ergonomic service.

Does OSHA Require an Ergonomics Program?

While the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not have a specific standard mandating ergonomics programs, it does require employers to provide a safe and healthy work environment under the General Duty Clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act). This clause necessitates that employers furnish workplaces free from recognized hazards that are likely to cause serious harm or death to employees. Therefore, OSHA may cite employers for ergonomic hazards under this provision if they fail to address ergonomic risk factors that lead to injuries or illnesses.

Moreover, certain states have implemented ergonomics regulations or guidelines, which may require employers to establish ergonomics programs or address ergonomic hazards in specific industries or occupations. Minnesota recently released new legislation focusing on ergonomics, mandating ergonomics programming for many larger workplaces. Staying ahead of these regulations can set your business up for success. 

Objectives of an Ergonomics Program

The primary objectives of an ergonomics program include:

  1. Injury Prevention: Minimizing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders, repetitive strain injuries, and other work-related ailments by identifying and mitigating ergonomic hazards is essential to any ergonomics program.
  2. Enhanced Comfort and Productivity: Improving employee comfort, satisfaction, and productivity by optimizing workstations, tools, and processes to fit the capabilities and preferences of workers can increase retention but also employee well-being.
  3. Reduced Absenteeism and Turnover: Decreasing these metrics associated with work-related injuries or discomfort and reducing return to work timelines promotes employee retention and morale.
  4. Compliance and Legal Protection: Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and reducing the risk of citations or penalties related to workplace safety and health saves costs and improves your company's reputability as a conscientious employer, attracting better candidates.
  5. Cost Savings: Diminishing healthcare costs, workers' compensation claims, and lost productivity attributable to ergonomic injuries, leading to long-term financial savings for the organization.


Ergonomics programs serve as indispensable tools for creating safe, comfortable, and efficient work environments in both office and industrial settings. By integrating ergonomic principles into workplace design, practices, and culture, organizations can safeguard the well-being of their employees while simultaneously enhancing accessibility, productivity, and competitiveness.

While OSHA may not explicitly mandate ergonomics programs, the benefits they offer in terms of injury prevention, employee satisfaction, and legal compliance make them indispensable for forward-thinking employers committed to fostering a culture of health and safety. 

Disclaimer: Implementing ergonomics into your workplace can lead to massive improvements! Do so at your own benefit! And if you are looking for a team to help guide your ergonomic journey, reach out to a Briotix Health expert today.